The Knowledge School Network A Project of ILM Trust

Summer Vacations - 1st June to 14th August, 2019

Summer Vacations afford an ideal opportunity to relax by generating activities that are pleasurable and at the same time educative.

It is also a time to explore your city, visit places of interest and gather information about the historical/magnificent monuments or other interesting places like zoo, parks, library, cinema house museum etc. in your city.

Summer Vacation Homework has been designed keeping in mind the “TKS New Curriculum”. Hope this helps to polish the imagination of students while exciting them to explore, discover and reinvent. It is desirable that students work independently and seek assistance as and when required.

A few suggestions to be kept in mind

  • Spend quality time with your children. Take them to see places of interest. Remember to make notes and click photographs of the places you visit.
  • Help your children to become independent by giving them responsibilities. Involve them in small household activities.
  • Inculcate in them good manners, healthy habits and respect for elders.
  • Help to imbibe the feelings of empathy, affection and tolerance in your children.
  • Give them a chance to look after you and their younger brothers and sisters.
  • Make deliberate effort to converse with your children in English.
  • ‘Reading for pleasure’. Encourage your child to read short novels. Ensure that the choice of books he/she reads is purposeful while being entertaining.
  • Help your children improve their handwriting by making them write one page of English and one Page of Urdu every day.
  • Cultivate sportsmanship by encouraging your children to play various indoor and outdoor games.
  • ‘Walking for Health’ is promoted by all doctors. Accompany your child for ‘morning walk’ daily.


Do not get the Summer Vacation Homework done by an expert. It must be the effort of the child. Parents must act as guides and facilitators; but not substitutes to do the work. The homework should be seen as an interesting activity that helps in mental and physical development of the child.


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