TKS curriculum is designed in such a manner that it caters to the holistic development of our children. Apart from bookish knowledge, practical hands on experience, trips and visits and involving in extra - curricular activities are the hallmarks of our curriculum diversity. To develop and enrich our students interest and talent for creativity and scientific temperament, TKS head office has planned “Art and Science Exhibition” in the month of January 2018. The students of class 6 to 10 will take part in this competition. Class 6 and 7 will take part in Art Competition whereas students of class 8 to 10 will prepare working models for Science Exhibition. The school based competition will allow the students to prepare and display their Art and Science projects and models. The best 5 exhibits one from each class will be sent to the Head Office. The best projects and exhibits will be displayed in the Exhibition hall at the Head Office for final selection of best three Art and Science Exhibits. Winners will be awarded with certificates and amazing prizes.